My Dream Job... and a Back Up Plan...
Everyone has a dream. A goal that they are aspiring to. A change they want to make in their life. College students especially have dreams about what they want to do with their lives and how they can change other people's lives. I am no different than the rest of them. My dream is to share with others my love of plants. Plants are my passion and have been a part of my whole life. I always find my way back to plants and the beauty they bring to this world. My parents taught me to enjoy the living world around me. Ever since I was little, I gardened with my parents. We planted peas, carrots, corn, and other vegetables. Meticulously, we would plant our garden and clean up the backyard, ripping out sod, pruning shrubs, and other various landscaping. I have fond memories of being outside and beautifying our backyard. As time went on and I grew up, I needed to pick a career path. Three options intrigued me: culinary, medicine, and horticulture. I quickly ruled out culi...